Spread the Unity by Spreading Your Wings

Looking for your next Instagram picture backdrop? Maybe you want a new profile picture for Facebook? Maybe you simply appreciate art and are looking for a beautiful public art display? It seems as though nowadays the amount of “likes” you receive on a photo determines your self-worth and your photos define and capture who you are as an individual. Why not put your social media power to good use? Allow me to introduce to you a global trend that has taken over the web called The Global Angel Wings Project. Colette Miller started this project in Los Angeles, known as the “City of Angels”, back in 2012 and the trend has continued to shine on. When scrolling through Instagram just yesterday, a friend posted a selfie with hashtags, “The Museum of Selfies” and “Global Angel Wings Project”. I soon discovered after following the links that a new museum is opening up in Los Angeles titled The Museum of Selfies, where people go to take amazing pictures with great backdrops. The art in the museum is meant to be a fun place to take selfies with illusions as their backdrops, much like one of the art pieces that is featured within the museum known as Colette Miller’s Angel Wings. Although the art piece in the museum is 3-D addition, you might recognize the famous angel wings as pictured below: (these wings are located in California where the idea originated and the first pair of wings was born). 

angel wings

This is the original wing art created in Los Angeles, California. Photo by: altiemae on https://flic.kr/p/U6jgmW


Colette Miller has gone across the world painting angel wing murals on walls for people to pose in front of and spread the message behind the wings. What is this underlying meaning you ask? I am excited to inform you that the message behind this trend is quite beautiful and inspirational. Miller started this project as a way of reminding the world that we are all angels of the Earth and each person who poses in front of the wings will have come from different backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, etc. Each individual is different, but we are all united as we spread peace, and spread our wings! Isn’t that the most inspirational thing you have ever heard? I wanted to take part of this global trend and participate in taking a photo in front of wings but I know I’m not alone when I say that I don’t exactly have the money to book a flight to California. Curiosity struck, so I took it upon myself to do some research about the other locations of the public art wings that Miller created. You will be glad to hear that there is in fact a marking of Colette Miller’s angel wings within the streets of Baltimore, Maryland! While driving to the location of the wings, I noticed that the public art display was painted up on a wall of an old movie theater that has unfortunately burned down…but the good news is, the wings remain! No fire was able to burn out the beauty of these wings.


Miller placed her signature and logo (located in the bottom right corner of the above photo) beside the wings to let people know they should continue spreading the trend. The location in Baltimore is not in the nicest part of the city, but I believe it was worth the quick drive to see the global project being projected onto the world. These markings are located in Australia, Kenya, Taiwan, France, Cuba, Juarez Mexico, etc., so the fact that one of them was thoughtfully placed in Baltimore is quite special. The address of the location in Baltimore is: 320 North Eutlaw Street, Baltimore, MD



Spread peace and quality selfies by visiting this public art and uploading a photo of yourself or your friends standing in front of it. Keep the positivity flowing with this mesmerizing angel wing display. 
Click here to check out Colette Miller’s short film to find out more about The Global Angel Wings Project!